
Tofu Spinach Warps

I always loved finding a way to add a salad into a meal in a way that my kids would enjoy and they happen to love wraps 😉 Here goes…


  1. 14oz organic tofu
  2. half small onion
  3. 3 cloves garlic
  4. 1 teaspoon sea salt
  5. 1 cucumber
  6. 2 small tomatoes
  7. Mixed greens
  8. 1 teaspoon cold press olive oil
  9. Gluten free spinach wraps
  10. 1 teaspoon nutritional yeast
  11. 3 small sweet peppers
  12. Peppercorn 

Sautéed Tofu

1. Heated oil in a medium size skillet on medium heat.

2. Add chopped garlic and onions to skillet.

3. Add tofu into the skillet. Add salt and peppercorn for taste. Mashed with a spoon. Lower heat. Cook for ten minutes and stir often.

Green Salad

1. Chopped cucumbers, tomatoes and sweet peppers into thin slices.

2. Add chopped vegetables to greens.

3. Add a 1/2 tsp olive oil, 1/2 vinegar, salt, peppercorn and 1 tsp nutritional yeast.

4. Mix thoroughly.

Spinach wrap

1. Heat single wrap in toaster or oven for 5 mins.

2. Add greens salad then tofu to warm spinach wrap.

3. Wrap it and use a tooth pick to hold in place.

4. Enjoy!




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